We had just finished making our candy corn turkey cookies for Thanksgiving when I walked out of the room for a moment. Suddenly, I was experiencing the ominous quietness that any mother of small children will immediately recognize. So, I quickly walked back into the room to discover B and T still standing at the counter where we had made our cookies. B immediately started giggling hysterically, which I realized was prompted by the fact that she knew her brother had just done something very wrong and very funny.
He had rubbed gobs of butter in his hair. I mean tons. In fact, I was able to watch his open fist grab out another handful and smooth it on top before I could stop him.
Wow. I was pretty floored, as this had to be one of the best stunts yet. I couldn't do anything but laugh, and wonder why in the WORLD that had seemed like a good idea. But, the two of them were so ridiculously cute and absolutely in stitches over it that I couldn't help but grab the camera before I began the clean-up which was rather extensive.