Oh Boy. I was dreading potty training tremendously. In fact, I think I looked forward to labor more. And, now that I have begun the process, I find that labor was a bit more fun. I'm being dramatic (so out of character I know!) It isn't going that horribly, but we are definitely only getting started, and already I have learned a lot about myself. Potty training seems to be one of those things that really reveals your true self. I have seen my impatience, my desire to be in control, and my overall grumpiness when things don't go as I planned them.
This process is pretty difficult for me because it is really out of my control. Even though I read two books on potty training in a day, I have a bright daughter who completely understands the entire process (can explain it to you word for word and has taught her doll) and I had numerous treats, drinks, and salty snacks available, I couldn't make her do it. I couldn't make her drink as much as she needed to, or make her relax when she sat down on the potty, or cause her to pause from playing long enough to recognize the feeling before it is happening. Add to that an apparently large bladder, an aversion to drinking much, some toddler stubborness, and a larger focus on playing and laughing than pottying and you have a tough start. We began at 10 and ended training at 2:30 and she only went to the bathroom 3 times! First on the potty and then two accidents. That doesn't provide much practice and it was so irregular I couldn't get her to sit on the potty long enough to catch them. So I ended the day a bit grumpy and discouraged, and she ended the day with a sore bottom tired of on sitting on a plastic seat. Now, my natural inclination to quit things that I am not good at kicked in...but then, my productive side insists we not waste our time today. So, tonight a pull-up, and tomorrow more big girl underwear. And we will see what the day brings... We did enjoy our time alone together though - we made edible necklaces, read countless books, played with stickers, and she led me in "exercises." I sure do adore that little girl!
April 29th, 2009 Update
Still not going very well...causing anxiety for both of us. After consulting several friends among other literature, this morning, I decided to try again in a few months (or maybe even wait until we are going to try it with T). She is only three months over 2, so I think I will give her a little more time, hoping it will get easier later. However, just as I decided this, she also decided that she only wants to wear pull-ups and then that she should self-initiate going in the potty this morning...successfully. But, then she didn't do that again for the rest of the day. So, am I potty-training or not, you ask? I honestly don't know! What I do know is that the one-day methods put on way too much pressure and for no real immediate reason in our case. It is kind of like a five minute abs infomercial. A little too good to be true. So, I think more than her not being ready, I am really not ready. We'll try again later...and I won't be nearly as worked up. ;)
If you have any potty training stories or advice I would LOVE to hear it!