Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Birthday Girl, Her Brother, and Her Minnie Cake

Here are some pictures from B’s birthday and a picture of the cake! B loved it, and we have my dear friend Anna to thank for it. Instead of being a pile of frosting if I had done it alone, Anna coached me and it turned out darling! What a special birthday memory! I hope I didn’t set the bar too high for myself for next time though…


  1. They are too cute!! And you did a fantastic job on B's cake. Lexie has the same carseat as B! :)

  2. This is just way toooooooo cute!!! I love the cake - way to go. :-)

  3. How I remember our baking days together...Look at how far you've come! So glad B had a great birthday!

  4. What an awesome job you did on here cake. It is so precious!
