I have been trying to figure out what it means to be faithful in my context. My context is full of whining and wonder, days where I feel like I live with three of the most amazing people ever, and days where I feel like I could pull my hair out if I wasn't already pulling a screaming 2 year old out of a store. As you know, J just retuned from Africa where he was among street children and people living in some of the most dire conditions in the world, and his ministry seems so much more tangible than mine at times. You can read about it on LIA's blog. I know everyone's role is different and equally important, etc., etc., but I guess I just want to make sure I am making the most of mine. I miss going places like that sometimes (though I have a hard time being away from my kids for more than a few hours) and wonder how I can continue to be engaged in the things God is doing across the world while being fully engaged in what he is doing in my living room and my city. Thoughts?
Okay - enough musing. On to some pictures...
On Friday night we took the kids to the Monrovia Family Festival and had a great time. The place is a festival for sure. Our kids were fascinated by the mini-petting farm, the bubble street performer, and B had a blast on her second pony ride! T was off to the side with tear-filled eyes during her ride. This was not because we tried to make him go on (we know better - he prefers his danger to involve jumping off of large play structures not large animals) but because he was terrified that she was going to fall off.
We let the kids walk instead of being in their stroller and you would have thought we gave them the world! They were able to decide their own destiny a bit. Like when they wanted to stop and watch a man who looked more like an accountant than a rock star, sing about being a wild man with his air guitar, they could (until we couldn't take it anymore and we felt like we would have to throw him a dollar if we stayed any longer :)
So, they happily marched along looking at the booths of people selling produce and crafts. J was happy once we got coupons and were able to get free tacos from a vendor for dinner. You know how he feels about the word free. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed being out in the community. If you are in the area you should check it out. Amazingly enough they do it every Friday night!
Happy Tuesday, Friends!
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